
Board Evaluation

Many NASDAQ companies voluntarily conduct annual board evaluations as a matter of good governance. Board evaluations affirm what’s working, identify challenges, and support continuous improvement of people, culture, and processes. ​Regular board evaluations also sharpen composition and clarify board accountability, essential contributors to strong corporate governance.

Our customized Board Evaluation program offers multiple ways to gain insights into your board’s performance, including customized online surveys, one-to-one interviews, direct observation of a board meeting, and confidential self- and peer-assessments.

We also offer a Board Development program conveniently scheduled to coincide with a board dinner. It starts with our exclusive Visiva Leadership® assessment and includes customized skills-building on topics such as communicating effectively, team-building, and constructive disagreement.

“Letizia was able to quickly establish trust with hard-charging individuals with strong opinions.”
— SVP, pharmaceutical company